Cleanroom Technologies Fair
17 April 2019
Cleanroom Technologies Fair

Aksteril panel took its place at booth 409 at 2019 cleanroom technologies fair. Aksteril Panel introduced its various productions that it developed under the title of clean room separation systems during this fair.

Within the scope of this production, it has introduced the systems that it has developed specifically for clean areas such as modular clean room HPL Panel, Galvanized Panel, Stainless Panel, Glass Panel, Clean Room Door, Dynamic-Static Passboxes, walkable and grid ceiling, interlock-airlock pass systems.

In addition to these productions, Aksteril Panel introduced its new products to its customers and introduced them in its newly developed systems for clean areas such as concealed hinged clean room door, concealed hydraulic clean room door, walkable clean room ceiling, cleanroom full length glass separation system.

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